Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Mom


If it sounds to good to be true then it is not true - I know I hear that statement after telling someone about a fantastic thing I heard. Well in today's Bible reading - Jacob (Israel) had just heard something that was to good to be true. His 11 sons had come back from Egypt and told him that Joseph was alive and that plans had already been made that everyone and everything was moving to Egypt. Okay does anyone else have questions here?!?

Yep, I did. And apparently so did Jacob, maybe not consciously, but in his heart because Chapter 46 states that Jacob made sacrifices to the God of his father, Isaac. And God told him in a vision that he was not be afraid... I will go to Egypt with you.

So what was really on Jacob's (Israel's) mind was once again leaving. Interesting that the previous times on leaving - he seemed to be running away from something (fleeing after tricking his father and brother) and sneaking away from Laban (taking his wives, children and speckled livestock with him).

And unlike the previous times he did not have to do any planning on this trip - all was provided for and God was with him.

Today is my mom's birthday - she is celebrating it in California with her sons and I plan on calling her after posting this. I miss my mom, in fact - I do miss all my family and my children and grandchildren. Sometimes living in Hawaii sounds to good to be true but God has brought my husband and me here and our God is a Loving God who is Sovereign. Even though I can't always feel it or see it I stand firm in the reality that God has brought us here. And on days when I get homesick for a special hug from mom or dad or my kids or grandkids I stand firm in trusting God who has brought me (us) here and is Sovereign and Good has a plan for me (us).

Dear Heavenly Father, how great is Your Goodness and Mercy, extending to the highest and lowest and deepest and widest. Praise You oh most Sovereign Lord. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that this day, this very minute that she reads this post, that she would stand firm in trusting You - whatever the circumstance, whatever the situation, whatever the crisis, whatever the pain, whatever the worry, whatever the distraction - for You are Able. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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