Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Entering the Doors


Today I am welcoming a new sister-in-Christ to the emailing. The Lord brought us together on Easter Sunday where we met and prayed together. She entered the doors of the Church and was asking for prayers.

I was remembering another time when I entered the doors - it was the first day of High School - 13 years old and I had waited to be able to enter these doors for a very long time. The High School was located on a hill. In grammar school we would walk by or drive by and I would look at the doors and wonder what it was like to go inside. Then Jr. High School and I really began to wonder and imagine entering. Even as I type this I am reminded once again of that feeling when I entered the doors and looked up the stairs and stepped into my life as a high schooler. When I go back to visit my old town, I drive past and remember entering the doors and stepping into a building where I had desired to be for a long time.

Now I am looking at entering the door of Heaven and into something so much bigger and grander and brighter and glorious that there are no words or expressions or imaginations to explain it or define it. I know not when but it is going to be ABSOLUTELY AWESOME.

Heavenly Father, Thy Will be Done on Earth as in Heaven. I pray that as each one of these dear sisters-in-Christ enter the door, which the LORD has opened may they look up and know that the ABUNDANCE of GOD, the KINDNESS of GOD, the FAITHFULNESS of GOD, and the PROMISES of GOD has already been done by Your Son who cried out on the Cross, "It is Finished." In Jesus Name, Amen.

Revelation 3:20 " Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me."

Until next week,



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