Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The UnSeen Becomes Tangible


This past week was a stressful one - because the unseen things (faith, trust, believe, promises) became very tangible. How the events unfolded: 1) an early morning (well not real early - on the way to work early) but still not a time when I get a call from my brother. He tells me that Dad is in the hospital again this time not his heart but he is unable to walk or talk. 2) Call mom on her cell- leave a message to call me when she can. All the unseen things kick into high gear becoming tangible - 3) Mom calls back after 2 hours with news. Dad is resting, they are doing tests but at least it was not a stroke, but for right now they do not know maybe an aneurysm or a virus; but he was very dehydrated. 4) I call some dear friends and ask them to start praying for daddy and mommy. 5) Now this is where the unseen things really kick into the high gear - and I begin to question myself BIG TIME - Is my FAITH big enough? Is my TRUST strong enough? Is my BELIEVE real enough? Are the PROMISES true enough? Will I cling to the unseen things of God? I checked with Mom each day - and on Friday daddy went home - he had a light stroke and results of the damage to the right side of the brain would be found out on Monday - I called Mom and Dad on Tuesday morning and the doctor said that there was no damage and that my daddy was just fine- Thank you Lord for blessing my dad, for favoring my dad in this situation and answering the prayers of your children.

Abba Father, our Creator and Sovereign Lord, Praise You and Worship You at all times and in all ways. Humbly I come before Your throne of Grace today asking for my sisters-in-Christ to have the unseen become tangible that they may seek the eternal and begin to knock on the doors of Your Heart which You alone open up to reveal the mysteries. Your heavenly eternal mysteries for their eyes to see, their ears to hear, and their hearts to know that You are the great I AM. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your friend and sister-in-Christ



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