Wednesday, January 09, 2008



I had expressed to my oldest son on New Year's Day that I wanted to change from using my Yahoo email to send out my Wednesday morning sisters-in-Christ prayer and start usng my Gmail account. He stated no problem and that when I was ready he would help me export and import (this is computer geek speak to me) I told him okay. Well a couple of days later, bless his heart, he made sure that it would happen. I have it set up on Gmail but realized that I have a different user name in Gmail and am using the Yahoo to let you know that from now on you will be receiving this from instead of Also I hope that you will visit my blog and post comments, prayers and praises. Thank you.

Dear sisters-in-Christ,

The Lord once again had You on His Mind - at 4:30 am this morning He woke me up - I knew it was Him because I was wide awake and I began to think of what I was going to say and pray about today. I want to make a change this year in my TIME with the Lord. Lately it has been this way:





yes, I fold my hands and bow my head and begin to pray and the thoughts that come into my head are along these lines: 1) what projects I have left undone at work and I had better get ready to go early to get them accomplished, 2) I have to stop at the store and pick up (oh I had better write it down while I'm remembering), and 3) I must get back to praying - why am I distracted.

My desire is to change and have it be:





yes, I fold my hands and bow my head and begin to pray ( if it must be I will pray outloud or I will renew how I used to do it by writing out my prayers) It is hard to think of inappropriate matters when you are speaking outloud or if you are putting down your thoughts on paper.

Heavenly Father, Abba, oh Most Sovereign Lord,
I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day that "In nothing be anxious ( Be careful for nothing) ; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall guard (keep) your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6,7) Praise GOD for His Tender Mercies. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ for all eternity,


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