Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Greetings to All,

Happy New Year - 2008 - A Leap Year!

One extra day to be truly blessed with God's Tender Mercies. How can this be?? That a wretch like me is loved by the Creator of the Universe! Amazing, awesome, absolutely. How about that dear friends and sisters-in-Christ? The year 2007 has become a past experience and I pray that that year was a life changing year. Now to the present, 2008, I pray that this year will be even more life changing for all of you. Our God still Reigns - our LORD still Promises - our Father still Loves, our Heavenly Father still whispers our name, and our Great I AM still Stills us.

What are some of the things from the past year that unsettle you and me? What are some of the thoughts that continue to linger from yesterday into today? Leave them behind.

Heavenly Father, thank You that all we need do is call on the name of Jesus. Thank You that You are continually listening to Jesus who constantly is telling You. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day that in her heart she would be still and Know that You are God. May she set aside a time when she can meet with You each day. May she desire to KNOW her GOD so intimately and passionately that at the beginning of each day she greets You with a Smile and a Kiss and at the end of the day she tells You how grateful she is for Your Goodness. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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