Wednesday, December 26, 2007



It seems that the winter cold bug is everywhere. I pray for speedy recovery for those in the midst of the sneezing, coughing and runny noses. I also pray for protection for those who do not have the outward signs of it yet. May you not get it.

My daddy's birthday is January 1 and I found a card for him this past weekend. I told him on Christmas Day that it was a box of Kleenex type of card - he said he would see. The front of the card has a father's hand and a daughter's hand holding onto each other. The verse inside: "You may not be able to hold my hand anymore but I still need you to hold me in your heart." Now is that a box of Kleenex card or what?

At the Christmas Eve service our pastor was telling us about a foundational truth that our Father in Heaven is Good all the time.

I know that for some your relationship with your father isn't exactly like a Hallmark card portrayal but guess what? We have a heavenly Father who ABSOLUTELY, UNEQUIVOCALLY, WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT


My Earthly Father (daddy). I miss him and when I do get the chance to talk to him on the phone or visit him as I did this past summer I love just our time together. He is grumpy at times, he is (very) weird at times, and he is fabulous at times. My Heavenly Father (Abba). I long for Him, and when I get the chance to talk to him, at all times, I love just our time together. He is GOOD all the time, He is (very) magnificent all the time, and He is AWESOME all the time.

My prayer for this end of 2007 - Abba Father thank you for all the hugs given - for the promises fulfilled, for the dreams becoming a reality, for the visions becoming a truth. Abba, Praise thee for the gifts (the tender mercies each and every morning). I pray that each dear sister-in-Christ may remember 2007 as a very GOOD year. A year which brought more Love than hate, more Joy than sadness, more Hope than despair, more Kindness and Goodness than bitterness, more Faithfulness than desperation, more Gentleness than harshness, and more Self-control than chaos. Oh most Sovereign LORD we come seeking Your forgiveness for words and deeds spoken and done in haste causing harm and hurt to others. Thank you for Your Heavenly Hugs. In Jesus Name. Amen and Amen

Until next year,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Galatians 5: 22-25


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