Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day 19 of Birthday Month


I'm trying to grasp what God is telling me. Each time I step out He draws me back in and says to WAIT. It is with this day 19 of my birthday month.

I could sense that it was going to be a special season for me as I approached this Christmas Time. Each day brings more anticipation of what is to come. As I look into each new day I see more and more of just how GOOD my LORD truly is.

Just this past Sunday a young lady for whom I have been praying for accepted Jesus. WOW!! What a wonderful, beautiful Christmas she is going to have forever and ever. And Easter even better!!

This Birthday - This Christmas - I'm so EXCITED - to be able to WORSHIP the king of Kings and the lord of Lords. If ever I could imagine that in this life I could look into the Face of God, if I could hear the Whispers of God, if I could smell the sweet fragrance of Jesus, and if I could taste the Words of God. O most Sovereign Lord to know the height and depth and width of YOUR LOVE - I am in AWE of You.

Heavenly Father, may our Worship be worthy, Holy GOD, praise and glory and honor. We serve a God who is GOOD and all that He does for us is done in LOVE. Thank you Lord. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days to come that her life be so overwhelmed by Your LOVE that nothing this world has to offer will tempt her to glance in another direction. Your birth - our Messiah. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week

Merry Christmas

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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