Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Good Day at Sea

Dear sisters-in-Christ,

When I wrote last week I told of a visitor we were soon to have for a whole week. This week I decided that to do a recap of the whole week would fill volumes - and there are the pictures taken. So I have included two photos and a little explanation of each. The first is taken at sunset on Thanksgiving Day - after a very meaningful day of fellowshipping and meeting new people and eating scrumptious food at the church and after a little nap we went to a favorite spot, Old A and watched the sun set. Here is DH and DD together. The next pic is taken the day after Thanksgiving - a snorkeling trip to another fabulous favorite spot Honaunau Bay - Arrive and a pod of 12 dolphins are on the surface. Into the water we go and enjoy the hour snorkeling with the dolphins and turtles and fishes. Yes, each day was filled with another memorable experience. God is so GOOD and in the everyday living we get glimpses. Of course there were the conversations and banter between mom and dad and daughter. And there was the story sharing of our lives. Yes, the week long visit from our daughter is, was, and will be shared in pictures and thoughts. To pick out just one moment in all the moments is impossible - I will enjoy all of them and thank God for His Goodness and Kindness and Faithfulness.

Heavenly Father, in the midst of all the memories and thoughts may I once again come before Your throne of Grace and say thank You for such times as these which fill up my thirsty soul. For it is You alone who directs and blesses and brings about such wonderful things which we take great delight in. Lord, oh most Sovereign Lord, may I always remember that it is in You. Lord thank You for Your Provision for both our daughter and us during this time also. Lord, oh most Sovereign Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that her memories and thoughts of each situation and circumstance would be filled with Your Goodness and Kindness and Faithfulness for it is in You alone where we have Joy and Hope and Love. Thank You Abba Father for the precious memories. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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