Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Dinner

Greetings dear friends and fellow sisters-in-Christ,

It is not Wednesday but my room is going to be occupied tomorrow morning and I do not want to disturb the special person who will be sleeping in the bed that I have set up for her. Our daughter, youngest child of three and the only girl, chose to spend Thanksgiving with us this year. We are so thankful for her and to her husband and children for sharing her with us. My room has been rearranged into a place of rest for her. So to the title "Thanksgiving Dinner" I have to admit that I have never been one to actually have to prepare a Thanksgiving dinner for x amount of people. I will also admit to the fact that I am not a very good cook or should I say a creative food preparer. Before moving here, our family traditionally had dinner at my parents or at DH's grandfathers house in Nebraska. Let me tell you about some of my "Thanksgiving Dinners". The sound of Mom in the kitchen preparing the turkey at 0-dark-thirty in the morning. The sound of children greeting their greatgrandfather Thanksgiving morning, spending time with him. The smile on my son's face when he has finally shot his deer (I'll explain at a later time). The enjoyment of making snow angels on a freshly fallen snow. Listening to the conversations throughout the day, as so many gather together. Yes, I do so enjoy "Thanksgiving Dinner."

Heavenly Father, Gracious and Mighty Lord, Great is Your Mercy, Great is Your Faithfulness, GREAT is Your GRACE. Thank You for this day, thank You that this day is going to be absolutely Awesome for You have Made it and You have filled it with Your Tender Mercies. Lord I pray that as each dear friend and sister-in-Christ awakens to this day and enters into this day that she remember HOW BIG her GOD is. Lord I pray that her "Thanksgiving Dinner" is filled with food to sustain her through the famines in her life and with the living water that sustains her through the deserts in her life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

May you Thanksgiving Day be Blessed.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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