Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Day at the Beach

Good Morning, Hello and Greetings my dear sisters-in-Christ,

Do you wonder what you look like on the outside? This past Sunday I went to the local beach with some friends from church. After visiting for quite some time my friends left to do other things. I wanted to get into the water for just a little while. Sitting in the sea water is very healing. There is a calm little cove to enter in where children usually play and where anyone can come and just stand, sit or splash in the water. There was a boy of maybe 8 or 9 and toddler girl in the water quarreling about bogie boards. There were two boards and the girl wanted one but her brother was not wanting to share. I let the father handle it - and he did a nice job by the way. The girl decided to play with something else and leaves the water to sit on the shore. I am just sitting in the water and enjoying myself, trying to stay out of the way of the bogie boards and the boy when I hear, "Aunty, hide me!", I looked around to see that it was just the boy and myself and once again he says, "Aunty, hide me - I'm going to sneak up on my sister." He was comfortable enough to call me Aunty, (wow). That is a showing of trust here on the island - that is what I am told by the locals. Which got me to thinking - about the question I asked in the beginning. I do ask of God that my life would reflect Christlikeness and that it is not about me.

And in case you are wondering - I did move so he could get behind me and we tried to sneak up on the sister but she moved away before we could get to her. It was a nice little game that I got to play.

Heavenly Father, Abba, Praise You, Thank You, how Glorious and Grand and Good are You our most Sovereign Lord. As I come before You this day I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ. Oh Lord, may her communion with You be sweet - may she dwell upon the things which bring victory in her life. May she be consistent in her prayer life, confident in her knowledge of You and concrete in her Faith. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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