Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A tip of the toe in the water

Greetings my dear sisters-in-Christ,

Such a little command - to dip the tip of your toe in the water - but when done - God's power stopped the river at flood stage. To have that much TRUST and FAITH to actually think that you heard the Lord correctly and then to do it. Am I at this point in my walk of faith. I desire to be - I strive to be.

One of the wonderful things about living in Hawaii is the sunsets. This time of the year I am able to see them from my kitchen window. (The only time of the year that I spend consider amounts of time in the kitchen at my kitchen sink) What you normally hear about it how beautiful the sunset was and look for the green flash. For me the best part is when it is settling down, the ocean is calm and the sun rays are reflecting off of the waters. The colors are fantastic and the reflection seems to show forth the beauty of the sun and the water. Very calming and I know that what comes next is my favorite part of all - when the sun kisses the horizon. It is hard sometimes to wait for it - from the time it starts to settle to the time it kisses the water - but each and every time my excitement grows in the waiting and I am not disappointed. If in your circumstance the waters are calm reflecting the beauty of the Lord or at flood stage, turbulent and cold know that a touch is all that is needed. Our Lord's touches come in the most turbulent of times and in the most peaceful of times and it is that Kiss of Mercy and Grace bestowed on those He Loves bringing His Presence, Power, Provision, and Peace into our hearts and minds and souls.

Heavenly Father,

Great in Power, Great in Glory, Praise You. Lord I come before your throne of Grace this day and ask in the name of Jesus that Your beauty and fragrance would permeate each dear sister-in-Christ and that Your Spirit be poured into their hearts and minds to have a passion to pursue the things of GOD. Amen.

Until next week,

Your friend and sister-in-Christ


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