Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Time Traveler


Ah, I have another confession to make - I have been interested in time travel for a long time - The book "Time Machine" by Jules Verne and subsequent versions of this I really get into and become so intrigued by the whole concept of time travel. For me my adventure in time travel was some years back. My sister-in-law who lives in Denver had told us about the "Renaissance Fair" that they have in Colorado. It would usually run for about 6 weekends. So off we went to Denver and planned on going to the "Fair". We arrived at the grounds, parked the car and entered the castle. Our first stop was a hat shop where my husband purchased a plum colored, velvet hat with a plum colored feather for me. I placed it on my head, was looking around and went through a door beside me. That is when I entered into another time - I actually did - I walked around for an endless amount of time visiting all the shops and talking to the people and was treated like a princess-truly-people bowed and addressed me as "madam". I was not concerned; just walking around. As I approached the jousting arena I took notice of an individual approaching me and I recognized her-it was my niece. It was then that I came back to this time. She took me to my husband who was very upset because he and the whole family had been looking for me for over an hour and were very worried about me-it was like I had literally disappeared. So who can explain - Time - how marvelous - how mysterious - how intriguing.

I feel so secure and safe in knowing that my Time is in the LORD's Hands and He is a Good God and He is Always Good. Now that is most marvelous, most mysterious and most intriguing.

Heavenly Father, Creator of Time and Sovereign for all Time, thank you for your most Glorious and Gracious Time. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ may she take the TIME to ask and seek and knock. May she place her TIME in Your hands knowing that You will give her new mercies each 24 hour TIME period. May she grow in the wisdom and knowledge of knowing that her LORD gives her the TIME to do and to say that which You have promised since the beginning of TIME. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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