Wednesday, September 26, 2007

In The Beginning

Greetings to all my sisters-in-Christ,

From the title you probably think that I am going way back, well not way, way back - but I am going back to the beginning. Beginning - yes it began with just a little thought that I should do this and off I went on my own little trail - I got ahead of myself and started to grow impatient with my journey. I have been anticipating the end - the final end. Well the final end is death and only He knows that day. A time of worshipping and seeking and I am back on track. My September Journey is about done and I have learned much during these last 26 days. I desire to see with the spiritual eyes that the Lord has given me. I desire to hear the WORD of the LORD. I desire to have a heart for JESUS. I desire to have my hunger and thirst satisfied with the Living Water and Bread of Life.

Abba Father, thank You Lord for Your New Mercies for Today. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ that she be so overwhelmed with Your Love for her that she falls prostrate before You and cries out in expectancy. Knowing that she has a GOD who is Sovereign, a Father who spoke and It Is, a LORD who whispers her name. May each dear sister-in-Christ remain complete with the blessed assurance that the Great I AM is Enough. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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