Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My Eagle Story

Greetings to You my sisters-in-Christ,

I was reading in my devotional about being able to mount up with wings as eagles which got me to thinking about a special day and an awesome experience that helped me see and know the power of our most Awesome and Sovereign LORD.

This was some time back (about 10 years). I had to travel to another city because I had an appointment with my doctor. My brother was visiting at the time so he volunteered to keep me company on the ride to and from. If you have ever lived or traveled in Montana you know that there are long, long, long stretches between curves while driving on the highway. We were going into one of those curves when we spotted an eagle on a fence post. I stopped the car, (yes, I know it was on a curve and going up a hill; but if you have ever lived or traveled in Montana you also know that you won't see another car on the road). We briefly got to see the eagle before we heard this roar, this tremendous gush of wind, the sound of a big semi reving its engine. In slow motion my eyes saw one thing and my ears heard another. My eyes saw the wings of the mature bald eagle opening up wide, the talons lifting from the fence post, the body ready for flight. My ears heard a sound like none other - a mighty wind, a roaring in my ears. This power of the mounting up with wings as eagles is so powerful, so deafening, so majestic. I was and am still captured by the memory of that sight and sound.

Abba Father, thank you and praise Your awesome and sovereign Grace which has captured me for all eternity. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week as they are led into another day of tender mercies that they would be captured by Your eternal GRACE which causes their FAITH to mount up with wings as eagles and begin to see and hear and know that You are their Father in Heaven who has forever captured them with Your LOVE. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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