Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Changes Made


For those of you who use computers, and if you are reading this, you are one of them. I am having problems with my favorite websites changing their format. I am especially upset with how Yahoo decided to completely rearrange, reconfigure, or whatever was done. Here I am in my knowing what to do (comfort zone) and open my Yahoo and have a choice to try out the newest, latest version. Why not I ask myself - and double yikes, (yikes) what did I get myself into. Here I go again searching, trying to locate the correct link to get to the same place that was so routine before - why do [they] do that??!! I know they did it specifically to upset me. Now why was I upset, I ask myself and my answer was .... applied spiritually ---

God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. How can I completely know the most Sovereign Lord of yesterday, today, and tomorrow unless I am presented with challenges. When He changes something in my life - I am challenged - I am uncertain. The amazing and marvelous thing about it is that the Yahoo people probably conducted lots of time and effort into researching how best to keep their website alive and competitive in today's market.

And GOD knows me, personally and intimately, and He Loves Me. And more importantly He never changes - He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

Heavenly Father, Lord of Heaven and Earth, thank You for Your continual Goodness, Your Eternal Truth, Your Omnipotent Favor. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that they may seek the One Triune God who is the Great I Am, who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. May their faith be challenged and may they not waiver in their dependence on You and the freedom that they have in Christ. In the precious name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ,

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Just a Little About Me

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

Decided to share just a little about me today - My favorite things

Color: Purple
Animal: Giraffe
Flower: Rose
Sound: Water ripples - water rushing over pebbles and/or boulders
Smell: Leather
Food: its a toss up between my mom's or my daughter's cooking
Hobby: Journaling
Sport: Swimming
Music: Classical and Worship

There just a little bit about me - put all this together and what a sight I must be -

As I turn to God's word this is a little bit more about me - "For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Col. 3:3) and " So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience;" (Col. 3:12) Wow! Now put the two together and I have a reason to celebrate. "Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father." (Col. 3:17)

Abba Father, thank You that my life is hidden with Christ in You, Praise thee my Father in Heaven. I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and in the days ahead that she may know her true identity. That she would seek passionately after the TRUTH to comprehend that which You desire for her to keep in her heart and mind. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.

P.S. I would like to say a welcome to 2 new members today - it is so nice to meet you and enjoy your friendship and fellowship.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Time Traveler


Ah, I have another confession to make - I have been interested in time travel for a long time - The book "Time Machine" by Jules Verne and subsequent versions of this I really get into and become so intrigued by the whole concept of time travel. For me my adventure in time travel was some years back. My sister-in-law who lives in Denver had told us about the "Renaissance Fair" that they have in Colorado. It would usually run for about 6 weekends. So off we went to Denver and planned on going to the "Fair". We arrived at the grounds, parked the car and entered the castle. Our first stop was a hat shop where my husband purchased a plum colored, velvet hat with a plum colored feather for me. I placed it on my head, was looking around and went through a door beside me. That is when I entered into another time - I actually did - I walked around for an endless amount of time visiting all the shops and talking to the people and was treated like a princess-truly-people bowed and addressed me as "madam". I was not concerned; just walking around. As I approached the jousting arena I took notice of an individual approaching me and I recognized her-it was my niece. It was then that I came back to this time. She took me to my husband who was very upset because he and the whole family had been looking for me for over an hour and were very worried about me-it was like I had literally disappeared. So who can explain - Time - how marvelous - how mysterious - how intriguing.

I feel so secure and safe in knowing that my Time is in the LORD's Hands and He is a Good God and He is Always Good. Now that is most marvelous, most mysterious and most intriguing.

Heavenly Father, Creator of Time and Sovereign for all Time, thank you for your most Glorious and Gracious Time. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ may she take the TIME to ask and seek and knock. May she place her TIME in Your hands knowing that You will give her new mercies each 24 hour TIME period. May she grow in the wisdom and knowledge of knowing that her LORD gives her the TIME to do and to say that which You have promised since the beginning of TIME. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A tip of the toe in the water

Greetings my dear sisters-in-Christ,

Such a little command - to dip the tip of your toe in the water - but when done - God's power stopped the river at flood stage. To have that much TRUST and FAITH to actually think that you heard the Lord correctly and then to do it. Am I at this point in my walk of faith. I desire to be - I strive to be.

One of the wonderful things about living in Hawaii is the sunsets. This time of the year I am able to see them from my kitchen window. (The only time of the year that I spend consider amounts of time in the kitchen at my kitchen sink) What you normally hear about it how beautiful the sunset was and look for the green flash. For me the best part is when it is settling down, the ocean is calm and the sun rays are reflecting off of the waters. The colors are fantastic and the reflection seems to show forth the beauty of the sun and the water. Very calming and I know that what comes next is my favorite part of all - when the sun kisses the horizon. It is hard sometimes to wait for it - from the time it starts to settle to the time it kisses the water - but each and every time my excitement grows in the waiting and I am not disappointed. If in your circumstance the waters are calm reflecting the beauty of the Lord or at flood stage, turbulent and cold know that a touch is all that is needed. Our Lord's touches come in the most turbulent of times and in the most peaceful of times and it is that Kiss of Mercy and Grace bestowed on those He Loves bringing His Presence, Power, Provision, and Peace into our hearts and minds and souls.

Heavenly Father,

Great in Power, Great in Glory, Praise You. Lord I come before your throne of Grace this day and ask in the name of Jesus that Your beauty and fragrance would permeate each dear sister-in-Christ and that Your Spirit be poured into their hearts and minds to have a passion to pursue the things of GOD. Amen.

Until next week,

Your friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My Eagle Story

Greetings to You my sisters-in-Christ,

I was reading in my devotional about being able to mount up with wings as eagles which got me to thinking about a special day and an awesome experience that helped me see and know the power of our most Awesome and Sovereign LORD.

This was some time back (about 10 years). I had to travel to another city because I had an appointment with my doctor. My brother was visiting at the time so he volunteered to keep me company on the ride to and from. If you have ever lived or traveled in Montana you know that there are long, long, long stretches between curves while driving on the highway. We were going into one of those curves when we spotted an eagle on a fence post. I stopped the car, (yes, I know it was on a curve and going up a hill; but if you have ever lived or traveled in Montana you also know that you won't see another car on the road). We briefly got to see the eagle before we heard this roar, this tremendous gush of wind, the sound of a big semi reving its engine. In slow motion my eyes saw one thing and my ears heard another. My eyes saw the wings of the mature bald eagle opening up wide, the talons lifting from the fence post, the body ready for flight. My ears heard a sound like none other - a mighty wind, a roaring in my ears. This power of the mounting up with wings as eagles is so powerful, so deafening, so majestic. I was and am still captured by the memory of that sight and sound.

Abba Father, thank you and praise Your awesome and sovereign Grace which has captured me for all eternity. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week as they are led into another day of tender mercies that they would be captured by Your eternal GRACE which causes their FAITH to mount up with wings as eagles and begin to see and hear and know that You are their Father in Heaven who has forever captured them with Your LOVE. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.