Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wherre To Begin

Greetings to Each of You dear Friends,

It is through Jesus Christ that I am able to greet you in this way as we have an eternity between us to really get to know each other. When my daughter was pregnant with both her children I started asking her to hold the phone up to her tummy so I could talk to my grandchild. As first it seemed weird but after a couple of times I think the weirdness went away and I was able to at least tell them that I loved them. After they were born and I was able to hold them and talk to them again I knew they recognized my voice. It was important to me that my grandchild know my voice. (So if anyone is looking for a study to be done on whether or not sounds can be heard by a child in the womb I would give testimony to that fact.) How do I apply that to today. Knowing God's voice, knowing Jesus's voice, of the utmost importance to me. At times it is the whisper and at other times it seems like a shout - but I do hear. And it is my choice to listen and obey. Will I hear, listen and obey God today!!

Abba, Father, our Sovereign LORD who reigns on High, Glorious and Good. Praise thee above all things. Thank you for life - what an awesome thing, just to be alive. Lord I pray that each dear precious sister-in-Christ would open their hearts and minds to HEAR. How sweet is Your whispers as they tell us of Your love. LORD I pray for Your blessings of steadfastness to be present in their lives as each sister-in-Christ continually strives forward in her walk of Faith in You, Her God. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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