Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jeremiah 1:7

Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ.

While on the mainland visiting family and friends I was blessed to be able to participate in Relay for Life. I had never heard of this before so was not prepared for all that was involved. My daughter-in-law took on the task of being the Chairperson for her township. It went from noon to noon. Then this morning, in preparation to post, I was writing in my "Diary for a Lady" by Elise Grey and a quote from Corrie Ten Boom was on the page. It read, "God raises the level of the impossible". Then I got to thinking about the Relay for Life. It was a blessed time for me to be walking and praying and camped out in a parking lot with other people and what they had in common was the suffering and/or death of loved ones through cancer. As you walk and talk and share with each other it was hard for me to know what to say. My thoughts today were of Jeremiah 1:7, "But the Lord said to me, Do not say I am a youth, Because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak." They were meant for Jeremiah but in situations where I know the Lord has led me into how can I not pray for God's words to flow from my mouth. God raised my level of the impossible by placing me in that situation. Our most Sovereign Lord, how precious He is.

Abba Father, Glorious and Gracious, I love thee my Lord and God. Thank you that You continually amaze us with Your Presence and Power and Peace. Lord, I come into Your Presence this morning and ask that each dear sister-in-Christ would be touched by the mighty Hand of God to be able to see the impossible. To abide in Your Spirit and to hear the Truth which You are whispering in their ears. Oh Lord, prepare them for this day and this week that they may be able to endure and be filled with Your Joy in every conversation and every situation. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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