Wednesday, August 08, 2007

High Tea with Jesus - Hearing


On Sunday night we (my husband and I) watched a movie that a friend had given us, called "Spy Games" with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt. In one of the scenes Robert Redford is describing his character. He stated that he had the ability to listen to 5 differrent conversations and to retain the information. Well I was somewhat impressed by this, but only somewhat because, being a mother of 3 I too learned how to listen to three different conversations, to retain the information and to respond back. (Only a little impressed). The second situation was last night when we were watching a special on PBS. A famous symphony and the mistro were entertaining New York at Radio City Hall. He was playing his violin and the symphony were performing a well known song from the "Phantom of the Opera". I was listening so intently, when my husband who is partially deaf and unable to hear the high notes, stated, "it must sound very good because of what I can hear it sounds beautiful". I told my husband that I was so sorry that he could not hear it as it was intended to be heard. I began to ponder on these two incidents and how it could be applied to my High Tea with Jesus. Of all the sounds I do hear and of all the sounds that I DO NOT hear the only sound I LONG TO HEAR is the whisper of my LORD. When Elijah was in the cave and the storm came, and the earth shook, how this must have sounded. The still small voice of GOD was more Powerful than these. And at the voice of Jesus the storm was calmed, the man was raised from the dead and IT IS FINISHED. My desire for this day and this week is to HEAR my LORD.

Heavenly Father, Glorious and Mighty, Magnificent and Beautiful, thank You for Your abiding Presence in our lives. Abba, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week for Your Abiding Holy Spirit to come and indwell richly that they may hear and understand and apply to their lives the promises You have so preciously provided for each one of them. LORD come and speak into our hearts and minds and souls reviving, restoring, replenishing, and renewing our hearts and souls and minds that we will and must lean not on our own understanding but keep asking, and keep seeking and keep knocking and desire to hear just as the dear pants for the water. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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