Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Worship - A Big View of God


I wonder how your week has gone? Since I email on Wednesday our week is a little different than the traditional week but then who needs tradition when you are with friends. I'm sure that like me many of you know just how to present yourself in a crowd of people. It is different with each group: your work, your church, your friends. Now with toddlers it is the same. No matter the setting. (Oh except at Pa and Gamma's house) then it is totally different but that is another story. Toddlers have a way of just being themselves whereever they are. I often think that it's because they are asleep and don't really have to think about transitioning into another self. I recall when the children where toddlers that on the way to whereever they would fall asleep and they would wake up when we got there. Jesus stated to the disciples to let the little children come. Little children ages 18 months, 2 years, 3 years. To be just like these. Okay so maybe when you are stomping your feet and screaming at the top of your lungs because you did not get whatever you wanted to get isn't what God was saying how to be. He does equip us with the gifts to be able to be Christ-like and we do have the mind of Christ. Which leads me into worship - Let us Worship our Lord. In my devotional last week I was presented with a challenge to define worship. This is what I wrote:

WORSHIP - Singing Unto HIM
WORSHIP - Stating Aloud to HIM
WORSHIP - Thanking Always HIM
WORSHIP - Exalting the Name of JESUS
WORSHIP - Bowing Before HIM
WORSHIP - Believing In HIM
The Great I AM

Abba Father, the Great I AM, as little children may we come and bow before Your Throne of Grace this day and this week and WORSHIP, with our singing, with our words, expressing thankfulness, believing in, adoring You and exalt the Name above all names, the Name of JESUS. Our most Sovereign Lord, who invites us to sup with HIM every morning. Dear sisters-in-Christ may your mornings and middays and evenings and night-times be filled with His Awesomeness. We are clothed, we are touched, we are cleansed, and we are healed by the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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