Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Storm that Missed


I slept through it - Hurricane Flossie which was supposed to hit the the Big Island (my island) at 11:00PM. As my husband and I checked out the internet site it seemed that this was going to be the case. The announcements on the television also stated that it was still coming and alerts to high winds, high surf and flash flooding. All this was outside, visible stuff, now this is what was going on in my thoughts: "God I am praying that this will not damage (my island), that there would not be disastorous stories to tell. That Flossie would not leave devastation in its path." Last night I went to bed after listening to the latest update that 11:00 was the expected arrival. I slept until 5:20 AM, when I awoke. No rain, no storm and reading the paper confirmed that it had missed (my island) by 95 miles. Thank you Lord.

The most interesting things about it was that we prepared ourselves, we got the bottled water, we got the flashlights and batteries and walkie talkies charged. We took down or stored all the things that could/would be blown away or destroyed by the high winds. Then we waited. I guess it is in the waiting that I became more and more apprehensive of things not in my control. I don't know exactly when I became aware of the fact that I should take this matter to God and Rest (while waiting) in Him. Then this thought came to me - How many times in my life have the storms been approaching, are coming to overwhelm me, I receive the information, I am prepared, then I go to God when it looks like it is going to become a reality. Or the other side of it. How many times has the Lord stopped or caused the storm to miss me. I found this promise this morning in preparing for this post. II Thessalonians 3:3 "But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one." (NASB)

Abba Father, our Great and Mighty God who has clothed us with the robe of righteousness. That we are called the daughters of the LORD. Thank you for the missed storms in our lives. LORD, I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week that their hearts and minds and souls would be filled with Your Peace and Hope and Joy as they go about their daily tasks. Lord only You are our Provider and our Strength for each and every situation that will be encountered by these precious children of Yours. We give you all the honor and praise and worship thee. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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