Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Being Spoiled

Greetings from Hawaii,

Yes I am home once again. Two weeks on the mainland visiting friends and family was superb and so rewarding. Now back to the everyday life.

Spending a week with my son and his family was so rewarding for me as a mom and as a grandmother. Grown children and little grandchildren continue to amaze me. My oldest child being the responsible adult and him training his child in the important things in life. And the love that is expressed in the home. WOW.

Spending a week with my parents and being the child, what can I say. They spoiled me and I enjoyed each and every hug and attentive ear and conversation. We followed each other around like little lost puppies/kittens. We were content to just be together. One night we went driving for 2 hours just looking at the countryside and looking for deer. Another afternoon we went downtown to do some shopping and then we visited aunts and uncles and was gone from the house for 5 hours. Where did the time go. We had the opportunity to staying at my brother's house, but my husband and I stayed at the folks house. Our excuse was to be close to the coffee and the full refrigerator and pantry. Yes, I allowed myself to be spoiled. I let mom and dad just be mom and dad. I love them so.

As I reflect upon my time on the mainland, two thoughts come to mind. The first, while visiting my son, I was thankful for the special times that I could hug him and kiss him and just listen to him. His humor is so great and his disciplining is done with such love. The second, while visiting my folks, I was thankful for their love they showered upon me. They are proud parents of both myself and my husband. Yes, being spoiled by mom and dad and yes I was spoiled by my son and his family too, was a much needed time for me.

Heavenly Father, thank you for spoiling me. Thank you that you are faithful to the fourth generation to those who trust in You. Thank you that You bless me with Your Forever Love. Abba Father I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and this week that You would spoil her with Your Love, Your Faithfulness, Your Presence, Your Peace, Your Kindness, Your Goodness and Your Power. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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