Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Isaiah 64:4

Greetings my dearest sisters-in-Christ,

It seems so much longer than a week since the last time I posted, for some of us know that 24 hours can be very, very, long when you are in a difficult situation and so very, very, very short when you take delight it what you are doing.

There is a tradition is Hawaii that the women wear gold bracelets around their wrists - I do not know the whole tradition but I knew that when I arrived here that it was one of the traditions that I wanted to do. So I sought out the least expensive and what some of the locals considered the best quality and purchased the bracelet. After much prayer I had Isaiah 64:4 inscribed on the inside.

"For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him."

It is a reminder to me that God acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him, yes, He acts on behalf. Oh if I would but wait for Him during this time when I want to see.

Abba Father,

Oh, how great and glorious thou art my God. Thank you for how marvelous is Your acting on the behalf of one who waits for You. Lord I come before Your throne of Grace this day and ask that You would bring to remembrance Your Promise to act in behalf of the one who waits for Him. Oh Lord for the sister-in-Christ who waits for You in knowing how to respond to a friend who has just received news from a doctor, for the sister-in-Christ who waits for You in knowing that You have made provision for her husband to have a job in the new place where they are going, for the sister-in-Christ who waits for You in prayer for her children to accept Your Son as their Savior. Most Sovereign we are waiting on You and we come humbly before You and ask that you would act on our behalf in every concern and situation of our lives today and in the days ahead.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week,


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