Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Journey Through Galatians

Good Morning and Greetings to all of you dear sisters-in-Christ,

I completed my 10 week course in Galatians last night. Amazing feat to say the least. Honestly, I still have the burn spots on the back of my heels because the Lord had to literally drag me into each lesson. Why, I ask myself when it is over. I still am not able to recognize contrasts or comparisons in passages. In trying to analyze it - maybe its because I am a casserole type of person?! In thinking about it this morning, what came to mind was the book of Ruth. When Ruth is in the field and is gleaning from the fields, Boaz sees her and instructs his workers to not harm her and to let her glean from anywhere in the field. How marvelous is our Master.

I think that I will just go today and get whatever I can find because I am hungry and my Master sees me and gives me, in abundance, safety and plenty.

I sometimes skip over the safety part and recognize the plenty. But today I need to thank You Father for blessing me with the security to be. I was asked by my facilitator (she's really my teacher - but don't tell her that, okay!) to make a copy of the poem that I wrote in response to one of our exercises.

This is what I learned in the study of Galatians:

A gospel not of human origin. (Chapter 1)
A freedom we have in Christ Jesus. (Chapter 2)
A blessing we have been promised. (Chapter 3)
No longer a slave but a child. (Chapter 4)
Living by the Spirit and not by the flesh, (Chapter 5)
A new creation is our desire. (Chapter 6)

Heavenly Father, Abba, How excellent is Your Name in all the Earth, Most Gracious Abba, Holy art thou.
Thank You for Your Beauty and Blessings. Lord as we come into Your Presence,
each with our: needs, wants, desires, hurts, pains, difficulties, and concerns,
May we Stand Still. Lord You are all we desire. You alone are our Provision, Our Hope, Our Joy,
we are only Complete in thee. Lord help each dear sister-in-Christ to see, to understand, to
comprehend the depth and breath and height and width or Your Love. In Jesus Name, Amen

May Your Week be filled with Hope,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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