Wednesday, June 28, 2006

My 6th Sense - FAITH

Greetings to my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ,

Ever since watching the movie (trilogy) "Lord of the Rings" and seeing how Gollum turned from a man into something grotsque because of the ring which he called "Precious", I tend to see that word in a different light. Oh, how the enemy tries to convince that which is of Good Report, whom the Father knows so intimately, and is precious in His Sight into something grotesque. Just read Job and witness how he went from being the wealthiest to the poorest and the most repulsive man.

So you are probably wondering what this has to do with the 6th sense, well --- But by the Grace of God go I --- Yes, our 6th sense, the very Presence of Jesus, our privilege to call God, Abba, the Holy Spirit indwelling in Us. Faith - knowing that in all things and in all ways I cannot think deep enough nor imagine long enough, but I have God who makes all things and in all ways POSSIBLE.

My heart's cry (prayer) this day is

ABBA, LORD, develop in me and my sisters-in-Christ that 6th sense so that we are able to soar as eagles, walk on turbulent waters, be bitten by scorpions and not be harmed, ask for the impossible, seek the promises given and knock at the door of Your Heart, to receive the most desired gift above all. In Jesus Name, Amen

(F) - Fully
(A) - And
(I) - Intimately
(T) - Trusting
(H) - Him

Until Next Week

Your dear sister-in-Christ


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