Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Renewing My Mind

Dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

In early February 2001 we left the mainland to come to Hawaii. It is now the end of May 2006 and during that time much, much has happened. There have been two marriages, 3 births, 1 secret revealed, and 1 death. With these, have come the emotions of elation, anger and doubt, and grief. Wow, all packed into 5 years time. In reflecting back on the reason for moving and living in Hawaii, we thought that it was ours, but the Lord has planned and purposed for His Glory. I continually become more and more dependent on Him, surrendering to Him my life. In my walking with Him he has taken me to a new area completely and I find that it is the very hardest for me, maybe that is why I have always got this far and then have drawn back in previous times.

He is asking me to allow Him to control my thoughts. I am absorbing a book by Larry Christenson, "The Renewed Mind".
My devotional, "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young, also has been leading me daily into allowing the Lord to renew my mind.

Scripture: Isaiah 55:8-9 As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.

Amazing Glorious Abba Father, how wonderful thou art. At the beginning of the day until the end You are There, You never change nor do You Forsake. Thank You my Precious Lord for Your Saving Grace which You so Richly have poured out into our lives. Oh, most Sovereign God, may I Be Still in Your Presence and allow You to renew my mind. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and this week that they would welcome Your Presence into their minds and hearts. For You are gentle and your mercies are tender and new every morning. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Missing all of you.

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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