Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Being Stretched

Greetings dear friends and sisters-in-Christ,

A woman in church announced that she was going to start a T.E.M.P.L.E. Ministry. She would teach Pilates and Yoga on weeknights. I asked a friend from work to come to the yoga with me and she wanted to start the Pilates course first, so I agreed to do the Pilates first and then the yoga. I have been doing it for 4 weeks - Pilates. My goal was to become more flexible and Pilates and yoga (in my mind) were considered good stretching exercises. As I do each exercise I have to concentrate so hard on trying to get my body to stretch that I begin to feel absolutely inadequate to move. It is at that point that the instructor, seeing my dilemma comes to me and gently touching me guides me through the exercise. I was thinking of that this morning. What a beautiful picture of how our Lord seeing, gently guides us through. Yes, my physical body is being stretched but even more so is my spiritual body - it is my Sovereign Father in Heaven who sees and gently touches me and guides me through.

Abba Father, Glorious and Praiseworthy. Thank you, oh my Father for all things. I love thee Lord and desire to be stretched in the asking, in the seeking and in the knocking. May I stretch for my Faith, my Belief, my Passion to lean not on my own understanding but to know the wisdom of God. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ who reads this - may they begin this hour and this day to be stretched by You, our most glorious and gracious God. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week may Your day be blessed

Your dear friend and sister-in- Christ


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