Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

On my path called real life I have changed in what I consider friendship. In my growing up it was someone who would play with me. In my 20's-30's it was someone who I could talk and share different ideas and it was a plus to have someone to play with me. Now that I have approached my 50's and God has placed us on an island where people are constantly coming and going - I have discovered that it is HIM who places people into my life. I choose to draw near to them in friendship and what I find is that a friend is someone who I can pray for and with and also it's indeed a pleasure and a joy to be able to have them play with me.

Oh, Sovereign Lord, my God, my Lord. How great is your Love for us, how You alone draw us into an intimate and abundant life with You. Thank you oh Lord that You surround us with Your Spirit and that You take delight in us. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and throughout their week that what You have promised and what Jesus died on the Cross would be realised in their minds as FINISHED. Your promises are complete and they are GOOD. Holy Spirit, E Komo Mai, (come enter in). We invite You into our lives this very moment and thank you for Your counsel, Your leading, Your revealing of Truth, Your groanings before the Father, and Your Gifts. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.


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