Wednesday, July 05, 2006

101 Birthday


Yesterday was quite an eventful day - My husband's grandmother turned 101. She rode in the parade and visited with friends and family. A wonderful celebration. We invited her to watch the fireworks display and Greg picked her up from the nursing home and brought her to the house where we watched the fireworks. As I stood beside her and watched the fireworks - it was different this year for we both know that her time on earth is growing shorter and shorter. With each conversation we share with each other, we tenderly touch each other and give each other hugs. Reflecting on this my prayer for this week is:

O Sovereign Lord, You have numbered our days, You direct our ways, You Guide our Steps. Most merciful and Gracious Lord, may each precious sister-in-Christ lay aside the strife within that robs them of Your Promised Joy and Peace and Hope. May each dear sister-in-Christ lay hold of Your Word which brings Your Promises, may they embrace Your Beauty, Your Fragrance, Your Spirit. Lord, Glorious King, Wonderful savior we lift up our hands and worship You. May we sing a new song unto the Lord, praising and worshiping Him and thanking Him for our being. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until Next Week,

Your dear sister-in-Christ


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