Wednesday, June 21, 2006

What Time Is It?

Greetings or as we say here Aloha, There are so many different ways and words-Hello, Howdy, Good Morn'n, and sense I do not know any other languages I'm not able to recite them.

How marvelous that we as sisters-in-Christ can greet each other in love (no matter what language is our native tongue). How marvelous is our Lord that when we gather together it does not matter our culture or our language or even what time it is. The Lord will cause a PAUSE in time and an understanding in our SOUL for how ever long HE commands for HIS children to PRAY. To commune with HIM.

So may we, in one accord, come before our Abba Father, may HE cause a PAUSE in time and an understanding in our SOUL as we come into HIS Presence.

Abba Father, thank you Sovereign Lord that I have no need to hurry this time with You. Thank you that you understand and hear my words, my desires, my feelings, and my heart. Into Your Presence I ask, Into Your Presence I seek, Into Your Presence I knock. My Lord, how Majestic is Your Name. I pray for each dear precious sister-in-Christ this day and this week. You alone Lord know each and every situation and circumstance which has brought them before You this day at this time and with words that only a Father's Heart can understand, may in the asking your answer come, may in the seeking your revelation come and in the knocking may You alone open the door. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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