Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Trusting God

Wednesday Morning Greetings to All:

How utterly impossible it must have been for Paul to trust God when He told him that His Grace was sufficient. This is the thought which went through my head when I read my morning devotional about God Is Enough. Actually the statement read, "As you sit quietly in My Presence, remember that I am a God of abundance." and "It is impossible for you to comprehend the lavishness of My provisions: the fullness of My glorious riches." (from Jesus Calling by Sarah Young). Then this got me to thinking about how people of biblical times, both old and new handled walking by faith and not by sight.

Glorious Father, Sovereign God, Jehovah Jirrah, Jehovah Nissi, How Mighty and Magnificent are You. Thank you that You alone Draw Us Unto You. Yes it is impossible for our finite minds to comprehend-Holy Spirit Come Abide in Us. We are sisters-in-Christ who need Your Love in Abundance Today to believe in the Impossible, to desire for Your Sufficiency in Today.

We are weak and You are our Strength,
We are poor and You are our Riches,
We are hungry and You are our Manna
We are thirsty and You are our Living Water

With utterings and groanings we come before Your Throne of Grace and TRUST, BELIEVE and take hold of glimpses that You reveal of Your Great Love for us and we choose to Rejoice. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week, May Your Joy be in the Lord

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ


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