Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Seeing and Smelling - Two Important Senses

Greetings my dear sisters-in-Christ,

I wanted to pray for all of you this morning that you would be surrounded by the Beauty of the Lord and that Your whole being would be permeated with the Fragrance of Christ. As I was thinking about this prayer, the thoughts that were going through my mind was the importance of these two senses - seeing - to actually see the beauty of anything you must look very deeply and intimately into something. If you just look upon it, at first glance, the mind has a way of seeing everything; but to assimilate that whole big picture in my mind and process every minute detail at that single glance I can't do it. I need multiple times of seeing, I need to examine. Our precious Lord allows this of me - Thank you Lord.

The other sense is smelling. Fragrance, you whiff a flower and sigh or you walk by a deli and the aroma causes your stomach to begin its grumbling for food. But sometimes repugnant smells appear and how do you not breathe in this caustic aroma. The CDC states that the most dangerous of threats are airborne diseaseses - there is no fragrance.

Our Lord is Beautiful beyond description and our Lord promises that His fragrance will bring life to some and death to others.

Our Great is our Lord.

Abba Father, how Great Thou Art. I come before thee in Thanksgiving. Praising thee and Worshipping thee alone. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and this week that she would see Your Beauty in all things and at all times; that she would be permeated with the Fragrance of Christ and bring life to all those that are in her life. Lord may we continue this journey with You. Protect us from evil (the unseen and the scentless). In Jesus Name, Amen.

May Your Journey Be Beautiful and Sweet This Week


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