Wednesday, July 26, 2006

March 1998 Memory

Greetings from my heart to yours dear sister-in-Christ,

Today I would like to relate a memory of mine from March 1998. I was living in Montana at the time. All the children were gone so I was considered an "empty nester". My husband was going to be traveling with his father to Australia and New Zealand for 3 weeks and I would be home alone. I had wanted to see my folks who were staying at a trailer park in Southern California. So arrangements were made to travel to Santa Barbara from Billings and spend the extended weekend with them. Little did I realize just what mom and dad had arranged for me. Daddy and Mommie met me at the Santa Barbara Airport on the wonderful Thursday night and my daddy had a twig from a Jasmin plant which had little flowers on it. The flowers smelled so wonderful. After many hugs and kisses we headed for a place to eat and then the adventure began. My parents had arranged for all my brothers and their families to be their for a big, big family get together. I had talked to two of my children who were living in Southern California at the time and told them that I would be close to them if they could arrange to come see me. And Yes they were there. Oh how very special that time with family and loved ones was. I kept the Jasmin twig, mounted it and framed it, and it sits on my computer desk, (in fact I am looking at it now).

Thank you for letting me share this lengthy story about a memory from March 1998. I also have placed in my bible beside scripture where many times the Lord has been faithful and as I read some of those I once again am reminded of how very faithful and loving and kind is my Heavenly Father who arranges the greatest adventures of all and blesses me with an unfathomable love and lavishes the most precious gifts upon me.

Heavenly Father, Abba, Praise thee for whom all blessings flow, Praise and Honor and Glory to Your Most Magnificent Name, a Name above all Names. Forgive me for doubting for even a millisecond Your Promises and Faithfulness. Thank You for Your Faithfulness and Your Grace. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ today and in the days ahead that You would bring to remembrance. Only You know our hearts and our minds, only You are able to bring to remembrance each individual instance where You have been faithful, where You have directed each step, where You have quickened the Holy Spirit in us to walk in obedience, to trust, to lean not on our own understanding, to walk by faith and not by sight. Lord God may Your Living Water be poured into us, Lord God may Your Living Word sustain us, and Lord God may Your Presence keep us. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until next week, God Bless

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Isaiah 64:4

Greetings my dearest sisters-in-Christ,

It seems so much longer than a week since the last time I posted, for some of us know that 24 hours can be very, very, long when you are in a difficult situation and so very, very, very short when you take delight it what you are doing.

There is a tradition is Hawaii that the women wear gold bracelets around their wrists - I do not know the whole tradition but I knew that when I arrived here that it was one of the traditions that I wanted to do. So I sought out the least expensive and what some of the locals considered the best quality and purchased the bracelet. After much prayer I had Isaiah 64:4 inscribed on the inside.

"For from days of old they have not heard or perceived by ear, Nor has the eye seen a God besides You, Who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him."

It is a reminder to me that God acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him, yes, He acts on behalf. Oh if I would but wait for Him during this time when I want to see.

Abba Father,

Oh, how great and glorious thou art my God. Thank you for how marvelous is Your acting on the behalf of one who waits for You. Lord I come before Your throne of Grace this day and ask that You would bring to remembrance Your Promise to act in behalf of the one who waits for Him. Oh Lord for the sister-in-Christ who waits for You in knowing how to respond to a friend who has just received news from a doctor, for the sister-in-Christ who waits for You in knowing that You have made provision for her husband to have a job in the new place where they are going, for the sister-in-Christ who waits for You in prayer for her children to accept Your Son as their Savior. Most Sovereign we are waiting on You and we come humbly before You and ask that you would act on our behalf in every concern and situation of our lives today and in the days ahead.

In Jesus Name, Amen

Until next week,

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Greetings to my dear sisters-in-Christ,

On my path called real life I have changed in what I consider friendship. In my growing up it was someone who would play with me. In my 20's-30's it was someone who I could talk and share different ideas and it was a plus to have someone to play with me. Now that I have approached my 50's and God has placed us on an island where people are constantly coming and going - I have discovered that it is HIM who places people into my life. I choose to draw near to them in friendship and what I find is that a friend is someone who I can pray for and with and also it's indeed a pleasure and a joy to be able to have them play with me.

Oh, Sovereign Lord, my God, my Lord. How great is your Love for us, how You alone draw us into an intimate and abundant life with You. Thank you oh Lord that You surround us with Your Spirit and that You take delight in us. Lord I pray for each dear sister-in-Christ this day and throughout their week that what You have promised and what Jesus died on the Cross would be realised in their minds as FINISHED. Your promises are complete and they are GOOD. Holy Spirit, E Komo Mai, (come enter in). We invite You into our lives this very moment and thank you for Your counsel, Your leading, Your revealing of Truth, Your groanings before the Father, and Your Gifts. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Until Next Week,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

101 Birthday


Yesterday was quite an eventful day - My husband's grandmother turned 101. She rode in the parade and visited with friends and family. A wonderful celebration. We invited her to watch the fireworks display and Greg picked her up from the nursing home and brought her to the house where we watched the fireworks. As I stood beside her and watched the fireworks - it was different this year for we both know that her time on earth is growing shorter and shorter. With each conversation we share with each other, we tenderly touch each other and give each other hugs. Reflecting on this my prayer for this week is:

O Sovereign Lord, You have numbered our days, You direct our ways, You Guide our Steps. Most merciful and Gracious Lord, may each precious sister-in-Christ lay aside the strife within that robs them of Your Promised Joy and Peace and Hope. May each dear sister-in-Christ lay hold of Your Word which brings Your Promises, may they embrace Your Beauty, Your Fragrance, Your Spirit. Lord, Glorious King, Wonderful savior we lift up our hands and worship You. May we sing a new song unto the Lord, praising and worshiping Him and thanking Him for our being. In Jesus Name, Amen

Until Next Week,

Your dear sister-in-Christ