Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wednesday Morning Greetings


Dear sisters-in-Christ,

You all will be happy to know that I have accomplished something - not all the way done yet - just a few more links to place on the blog and will be satisfied with it for awhile, until the Lord has me change it in some way. At the end of my prayer will be the link to the new site. The sisters-in-Christ site. For those of you who do not use the internet I will continue to place the prayers here. Now that the last holiday which the world turns ugly because they are trying to get at the "Truth of the Matter" is over, I can concentrate on getting to know who I am in Christ. And knowing me so well, (hehe) that will be around Christmas time and I'll have to begin again. Isn't is marvelous that our God is a Good God and Loves Me.

I was just reading my little devotional, "Joy and Strength" by Mary Wilder Tileston, and one of the lines in the little paragraph jumped out at me.
Cannot He change water into wine? Yes, the Lord is Able to Do that Which I cannot even imagine in a million years. He is the Living Water and He chose me from the beginning of time. Now for the challenge for all of us. "Freely you have received, freely give" Matthew 10:8.

Abba Father, our Glorious and Magnificent God who is in Heaven. Praise and Glory to thee our Sovereign Lord. Thank You for turning us from water to wine, Thank You for turning us from broken and wounded to mended and healed, thank You for turning us from bitterness to sweet, thank You for turning us from blindness to seeing, thank You for turning us from darkness to light. Lord God in our days ahead may Your Sweet Fragrance radiate from us as we continue our journey on paths that are invisible to us. In Jesus Name, Amen

May His Goodness Abound,

Your dear friend and sister-in-Christ.



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