Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Matthew 18:20 - Two or More

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Here we are once again communing together for it is written, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." How potent are these words and how impactful they can be to someone who is just holding on trying to trust and believe that God is in control and He is in our midst. When we pray it isn't just words spoken out into the air. The reality of our gathering together in His Name is so very precious. To think that God is in our midst and that He hears and listens and understands and can actually make the impossible become possible. He can and He does and He will! So my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ as I am at my computer and typing on my keyboard these words and when you read these words just know that we are fellowshipping together. As I type I am praying that the Lord gives me the words that He wants you to receive and also for me to receive. As you walk through your day and if you have the chance to talk to someone or hear a song or even respond to a request from social media it is in that time and space that the Lord is in your midst. God orchestrates our lives and directs our paths and knows the beginning all the way to the end. So rejoice today in knowing that He is in our midst. And since He orchestrates and directs He is the one who has planned out just what we all need to come together whether it is in celebration or in sorrow or in loss or in gaining or in goodness and in evilness still we must gather together in His name. Let us pray - Abba Father, how great thou art and thank You that today is filled with Your new mercies for us to be able to trust and rest in Your Grace and Hope. O, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her day would be filled to the brim with Your power and Your presence and Your provision. That each moment is filled with Your beauty and Your faithfulness. Only You know Lord their heart's cries so as we gather together in Your Name, may we be renewed and refreshed to be able to take one day at a time and rejoice in that day. In Jesus Name, Amen. We glorify Your Name,

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Psalm 71 - Yes Lord - This is My Cry

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, We are experiencing a cold snap and with it comes a disruption in my walking routine. Yesterday and today upon waking it was only fifty degrees or less, this is quite a drop from the normal 60's. Needless to say, my walking time of 7:00 has been bumped up to an hour and a half later. This is very good because it gives me more time in the morning to have my quiet time. Sorry to say that it has been rushed and now my body is showing signs of being thirsty for the word. I started to listen to a man in his thirties speak about finding himself which got me to thinking that each season of our lives there are times when we probably have had to delve deeper into the Word of God seeking and asking Him. As I listen to this young man, I begin to pray for him and respond to him with scriptures. I am so glad that the Lord moved us to this town which is thriving with so many activities and the sounds of children's playing brings me hope that my God is still in control. Yes, He is faithful and righteous and worthy of All of our Praise. There must have been some situations in my life because Psalm 71 had dates and highlighted in green and blue and beside the dates are words, 4/28/03, "Yes Lord my cry!!", 7/16/00, "Thank You Abba" 4/28/03 "Praise and Glory and Yes Lord Yes", and finally 4/28/09, "Thank You Lord". I will continue to pray for this young man as he seeks to "find himself" and will continue to give him scriptures for I thank the Lord that He has drawn him to know the one who created him and who knows him so intimately. The verses that I have highlighted and cried out to the Lord, verses 5-8, 14-24. In the reading of these verses this morning it was like I was saying , "It is written" for these precious words are like Psalm 119:103, "How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!". Let us pray - Abba Father, with raised hands may I shout all praise and glory to You. Thank You that I have taken refuge, thank You that when I cry out, "rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness" and "deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked... " O, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she ponders on Your Word and seeks Your face that You would embrace her and hold her tight and keep her under the shadow of Your wings. Whatever season she is in may Your tender mercies flow through her life and into the lives of those she loves. In Jesus Name, Amen. My mouth is filled with Your praise,

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Psalm 19:14

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, My walking friends have children who are teachers and they are back at work this week preparing for another year of teaching and learning with their students. And since my walking friends also have grandchildren young enough to be in school they know both views - the teacher and the student. I pray that the coming school year will be a time of gathering together and may there be a special bonding of friendships built during the year. Today's verse found in Psalm 19:14, May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight. O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer." Yes, as a new year begins where communication is so vitality important. The giving and taking of instructing and learning is so very important in using the words that are pleasing to the Lord. I still remembering my third grade teacher because she had words of encouragement for me. The things that you remember as you get older that resonate in your ears and reading this verse reminded me of how I use my words. Let us pray: Abba Father, Your words of truth, Your whispers speaking of Your goodness and kindness and also giving direction and guidance. Lord I pray for those teachers who will be responsible for the educational growth of their students. I pray for patience and also kindness in order to instruct and define, may she first of all know that You are her rock and redeemer and may the words be pleasing in your sight. Lord, give her direction and clarity to be able to smile each day. Lord, I also pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ for each one of them are Your ambassadors and may the words of their mouths and the meditation of their hearts be pleasing in Your sight. In Jesus Name, Amen. Choosing words pleasing to the Lord,

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Welcome to the Month of August

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, August 2024 - One year anniversary of living in Ohio! Yes, it has been a year already of living in this house and looking back at this past year of living in this house and seeing all the miraculous things that God has blessed us with - what an awesome and loving Abba Father. He has brought us thus far and it has been good. He has given us so much and it is good. His provision and power and presence overwhelms me to the point of worshipping Him for who He is. Not knowing what was needed, what each day was going to bring, what situation would arise causing chaos or quietness. Yes, He is faithful ALL the time. Wednesday's are garbage pickup days and the noise of the trucks coming down my road picking up the garbage cans filled with all the leftovers of the whole week. Some of the garbage cans are filled to overflowing and others (like mine) are not as full. Aww, the life of a garage truck driver, collecting the leftovers. I do not know if leftovers is the right word to use but still it is garbage. I got to thinking about that as the dump truck came down my street. The garbage in our lives - our God just doesn't throw it away, He removes it so that there is no evidence of it. No need for someone to come along and empty the bin. No middleman to take to the dump to have it removed or incinerated. Our God cleans and purifies and removes and renews and repurposes all the garbage in our lives. Let us pray - Abba Father, as we walk into our day I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ give all the garbage in her life to the One who does the impossible and cleans and purifies and removes and renews. Thank you that we are new creations in Your sight and that each day is a new day to rejoice. I pray that they rejoice in the Lord for this is the day that You have made. Praise to Thee O most loving and faithful Father. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,