Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Matthew 18:20 - Two or More

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Here we are once again communing together for it is written, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." How potent are these words and how impactful they can be to someone who is just holding on trying to trust and believe that God is in control and He is in our midst. When we pray it isn't just words spoken out into the air. The reality of our gathering together in His Name is so very precious. To think that God is in our midst and that He hears and listens and understands and can actually make the impossible become possible. He can and He does and He will! So my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ as I am at my computer and typing on my keyboard these words and when you read these words just know that we are fellowshipping together. As I type I am praying that the Lord gives me the words that He wants you to receive and also for me to receive. As you walk through your day and if you have the chance to talk to someone or hear a song or even respond to a request from social media it is in that time and space that the Lord is in your midst. God orchestrates our lives and directs our paths and knows the beginning all the way to the end. So rejoice today in knowing that He is in our midst. And since He orchestrates and directs He is the one who has planned out just what we all need to come together whether it is in celebration or in sorrow or in loss or in gaining or in goodness and in evilness still we must gather together in His name. Let us pray - Abba Father, how great thou art and thank You that today is filled with Your new mercies for us to be able to trust and rest in Your Grace and Hope. O, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her day would be filled to the brim with Your power and Your presence and Your provision. That each moment is filled with Your beauty and Your faithfulness. Only You know Lord their heart's cries so as we gather together in Your Name, may we be renewed and refreshed to be able to take one day at a time and rejoice in that day. In Jesus Name, Amen. We glorify Your Name,


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