Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Welcome to the Month of August

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, August 2024 - One year anniversary of living in Ohio! Yes, it has been a year already of living in this house and looking back at this past year of living in this house and seeing all the miraculous things that God has blessed us with - what an awesome and loving Abba Father. He has brought us thus far and it has been good. He has given us so much and it is good. His provision and power and presence overwhelms me to the point of worshipping Him for who He is. Not knowing what was needed, what each day was going to bring, what situation would arise causing chaos or quietness. Yes, He is faithful ALL the time. Wednesday's are garbage pickup days and the noise of the trucks coming down my road picking up the garbage cans filled with all the leftovers of the whole week. Some of the garbage cans are filled to overflowing and others (like mine) are not as full. Aww, the life of a garage truck driver, collecting the leftovers. I do not know if leftovers is the right word to use but still it is garbage. I got to thinking about that as the dump truck came down my street. The garbage in our lives - our God just doesn't throw it away, He removes it so that there is no evidence of it. No need for someone to come along and empty the bin. No middleman to take to the dump to have it removed or incinerated. Our God cleans and purifies and removes and renews and repurposes all the garbage in our lives. Let us pray - Abba Father, as we walk into our day I pray that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ give all the garbage in her life to the One who does the impossible and cleans and purifies and removes and renews. Thank you that we are new creations in Your sight and that each day is a new day to rejoice. I pray that they rejoice in the Lord for this is the day that You have made. Praise to Thee O most loving and faithful Father. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings,


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