Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Psalm 71 - Yes Lord - This is My Cry

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, We are experiencing a cold snap and with it comes a disruption in my walking routine. Yesterday and today upon waking it was only fifty degrees or less, this is quite a drop from the normal 60's. Needless to say, my walking time of 7:00 has been bumped up to an hour and a half later. This is very good because it gives me more time in the morning to have my quiet time. Sorry to say that it has been rushed and now my body is showing signs of being thirsty for the word. I started to listen to a man in his thirties speak about finding himself which got me to thinking that each season of our lives there are times when we probably have had to delve deeper into the Word of God seeking and asking Him. As I listen to this young man, I begin to pray for him and respond to him with scriptures. I am so glad that the Lord moved us to this town which is thriving with so many activities and the sounds of children's playing brings me hope that my God is still in control. Yes, He is faithful and righteous and worthy of All of our Praise. There must have been some situations in my life because Psalm 71 had dates and highlighted in green and blue and beside the dates are words, 4/28/03, "Yes Lord my cry!!", 7/16/00, "Thank You Abba" 4/28/03 "Praise and Glory and Yes Lord Yes", and finally 4/28/09, "Thank You Lord". I will continue to pray for this young man as he seeks to "find himself" and will continue to give him scriptures for I thank the Lord that He has drawn him to know the one who created him and who knows him so intimately. The verses that I have highlighted and cried out to the Lord, verses 5-8, 14-24. In the reading of these verses this morning it was like I was saying , "It is written" for these precious words are like Psalm 119:103, "How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!". Let us pray - Abba Father, with raised hands may I shout all praise and glory to You. Thank You that I have taken refuge, thank You that when I cry out, "rescue me and deliver me in your righteousness" and "deliver me, O my God, from the hand of the wicked... " O, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she ponders on Your Word and seeks Your face that You would embrace her and hold her tight and keep her under the shadow of Your wings. Whatever season she is in may Your tender mercies flow through her life and into the lives of those she loves. In Jesus Name, Amen. My mouth is filled with Your praise,


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