Wednesday, July 10, 2024

He Who Is Constant

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, I received a card where the person sending it to me stated, "... am very happy you are a constant in my life." Needless to say I was so overwhelmed, and it was at that moment I realized just how heartfelt these words were, for it is very hard for me to even imagine. In fact I had to look up the word constant to get the full impact. Definition: used as an adjective - occurring continuously over a period of time, and used as a noun - a situation or state of affairs that does not change. Wow, it had the same impact on me this morning as I reread the card to share with all of you. I thanked the Lord for such an encouraging and loving word to be spoken and realized that my life in Christ is "constant", when used as an adjective or used as a noun. Yesterday was our one year anniversary of arriving on Ohio land and finding a home and starting the next chapter of our lives. When we started out with only an invitation to move here to be closer to our son but also to be in a place with better medical care for my husband. There have been so many miracles each and every day along with challenges and difficult situations and so many things that I could never imagine in a lifetime. I have shared many of them already but I did want to share this day and may it stand as a memorial that the God of all creation, the Great I AM, my Abba Father is the "constant" in my life and I am very happy that He is. It is a windy and rainy day, just the kind of day where a hot cup of chocolate and a good book to read on the couch is in store. Let us pray - Abba Father, Gracious and Mighty LORD, Praise to thee for all the blessings, the "constant" mercies, and for each and every day. O, Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her days and nights be richly blessed and may each one of them be happy because You are the "constant" in their lives. In Jesus Name, Amen. Enjoy your day and week,


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