Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Psalm 19:14 - My Strength and My Redeemer

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Yesterday was a skin doctor appointment and a shopping trip to Costco. The dermotologist office is about 47 miles away and Costco is a little further than that but it was the inbetween stop, the unplanned stop that was a delight to the senses. My morning started off with a quick walk around the local park, which is always a pleasure. The sound of the songbirds and the squirrels (local wildlife) frolicking along the trail and in the trees brings my mind to a beautiful peace. On my walks I do some talking with the Lord and call a friend and take the time to get my chatting in. So the unexpected stop - it was a flower nursery of the likes I have never seen. The moment we walked into the shop was like walking into a rainforest, so refreshing and the array of scents and colors and endless possibilities of growing them. And added into the mixture was all you needed from pots to windchimes, from garden tools to fairy and troll decorations. We had a very good excuse to linger for some time because it decided to rain and the sounds of the rain hitting the roof just added to the atmosphere of being in a tropical forest. I chose Psalm 19:14, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer." because with the drive on the freeway and the trip to Costco can be very tiring and troublesome. All the traffic on the multilane lanes and all the people trying to get to their products to complete their shopping list can cause strife within our souls. I am so glad that the LORD had us stop at the nursury for it prepared me to be able to finish my shopping with a smile on my face. Let us pray - Abba Father, Gracious and Glorious LORD as we enter another day of life may we start and end in praising You for EVERYTHING. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her prayer for each day would be acceptable in Thy sight for You are indeed her strength and her redeemer. May she seek Your face and as she speaks and as she meditates these would be acceptable in Thy sight. In Jesus Name, Amen. Kneeling before Him,


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