Wednesday, June 12, 2024

God Orchestrates Our Lives

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Yesterday was full of events for me. Our granddaughter graduated from high school and my husband turned 74. What are the odds of that happening on the same day? And according to God's timing it was not a coincidence. Two memorable occasions, two reasons for celebrating and thank goodness for live streaming for we were able to see the graduation ceremony and it was clear enough that I was able to get a video of her receiving her diploma. And for my husband we were able to celebrate it with family - our son and his wife and step daughter. Yes, God brings us together and blesses us and enriches us and we are thankful and worship Him even more and more. As I listened to my son talking to his dad about trivial things while eating chocolate cake and ice cream I was so joyful inside that God orchestrated all this and as I listened to my daughter later in the day talking to her father on the phone about her experiences of being a mom I was so joyful inside that God orchestrated all this. God is Good and God is Sovereign and God makes all things possible. There were so many miracles and answers to prayers yesterday! On my morning walk with my three lady friends I shared yesterday's happening and we all joined in about the Goodness of God. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ thank you for letting me share my joyful moments of yesterday with you. Let us pray - Abba Father, Praise You and we Glorify your name. Thank you for orchestrating our lives and when You do it a symphony like none other. The sounds and the sights and the unseen joy of the hearts are so beautiful and rich and lingers on and on and on. Lord, I pray that as You orchestrate our lives that we would be focused upon Your leading. That each of us would remember as we use our gifts and talents for Your glory that the world will know we have a Good God. In Jesus Name, Amen. Looking at the orchestrator,


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