Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Trusting This Day To Him

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Today is a new day and indeed it is because I am driving to a city an hour away and placing my husband into the care of the hand surgeon. My husband has suffered for several years with severe pain to this thumbs and after much research there is a procedure which can be done to relieve him of the pain and also after a recovery time will have the use of this thumb on his right hand. And when I say I am trusting this hand surgeon to perform this surgery and also being in the hospital under the care of so many who have performed this kind of surgery hundreds of times, I mean that I have complete trust in the Lord! Yes, stepping into the unknown even though you have read all the reviews and talked to people who have had it done there is still that factor of trusting because it is my beloved husband who is being operated on. So into this day I go trusting that the Lord has already planned and purposed and my husband is surrounded by the One who created him and who loves him beyond measure. Thank you for letting me share this today with all of you and let us pray - Abba Father, our Sovereign Lord who loves us so intimately and who knows the number of hairs on our head and is our Strength and our Strong Tower. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ this day she would encounter the beauty and gentleness and faithfulness of You. May her day be a blessed day with Your wonder working Power and give her Your Peace which passes all understanding. In Jesus Name, Amen. Trusting this day to Him,


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