Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Privacy Report Psalm 119:130

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, This morning as I turned on my computer to start my Wednesday morning posting the start page gave me my privacy report. It stated that during the last 7 days it had prevented 72 persons from profiling me. I'm thankful for that privacy report! And decided that Psalm 119:130 would be a worthy verse to quote, "The entrance of Your words gives light; It gives understanding to the simple." Yes, I am one of those simple ones whether using my computer to do my work and socializing or whether I am content with walking in the park and meeting new friends. I am actually looking at one of Thomas Kinkade paintings that has this verse along with his painting of "The Victorian Garden". I bought his book, "Passages of Light" on September 24, 2001 and written on the page, given by the Holy Spirit. As I write this post the outside weather is damp, cloudy and a dense fog has settled on the valley. And also the painting shows an entrance to this lush garden accessed by cobblestoned walkway. As you enter in there is a light fog also. And thinking about the exodus from Egypt how God covered them with a cloud by day and fire by night. Yes we have a mighty God who continuously keeps and provides and protects. So, when your days become foggy and you think that life is difficult and you do not know who to trust, remember we are simple people. Yes, we are for our ways are not His and our thoughts are not His BUT... we have an entrance and that entrance is "of Your words give light" and then comes "understanding". Let us pray - Abba Father Praise You for our lives are simple and yet we desire privacy and You give that every moment of our lives. Thank You that it is Your words that are our entrance, no need for secret code or password protection just calling out the name Jesus is all we need. Lord, I pray for these simple sisters-in-Christ and ask that Your word would come alive in her heart today. That Word to comfort or encourage or protect or shield or strengthen. In Jesus Name, Amen, Being simple today,


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