Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Psalm 126:3 - We Are Glad

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Happy May/Lei Day! I say Lei because while living in Hawaii this was the day that leis of all scents, designs, shapes, and colors were given to loved ones. It seemed to be more beautiful for some reason. I looked up the tradition al May Day and remembered about the pole with the ribbons too. But we have another reason to celebrate and that is found in today's Psalm 126:3, "The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad." Yes, He has done great things and is doing great things and will continue to do great things in abundance and with LOVE. So whether you celebrate or not this May Day, it is still a special day to celebrate. The LORD has done great things and in the counting of these great things and remembering His blessings and gifts and ALL His marvelous works may these ignite a JOY (glad) within your heart. I know that some of you are dealing with situations where it is hard to see past the hurts and the pain BUT GOD He will turn your ashes to Joy and complete the verse, "whereof we are glad." It is a "JOY" that only the LORD does. Only He can bring about a peace and hope and love that surrounds "you" and you alone. He knows you so deeply and intimately so celebrate today and dance around and sing His praises for He has done great things for you and me. Let us pray - Heavenly Father, our Great and Glorious LORD who is Sovereign and not only gives but has done. Oh Lord thank You for the done things in our lives. The done things that are great in our lives. The done things that give us pleasure and delight and cause us to celebrate every day of our lives. In Jesus Name, Amen. Happy "we are glad" day,


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