Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Day of Remembering

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Here we are, once again on a Wednesday morning leaning on the Lord for inspiration and direction. Yes, without Him directing and guiding I do know that my life as it now is would not even exist. It has been told by my mother that at the age of four I was standing in a wheat field and my lips were moving, when I came inside she asked me who I had been talking to, my response, "Jesus". But it was not until the teenage years when I learned just how important it was to let Him be my LORD. The winter of 1966 was when I attended a bible study and listened to a man tell of his experience while attending seminary. I accepted Christ that night and all these years later I have been talking to Jesus and have witnessed the miracles of lives being changed by the simple prayer of repentance. When the Lord opens up the heavens and all things are quiet and you know that you are in His presence, whether in a wheat field at age 4 or a church basement at age 16 or any other scenarios that the Lord's miracle working power to capture the heart and mind and soul of the person whom He has been drawing close to Him and you have the privilege of planting a seed or sharing a testimony is such a beautiful scene. All of you have your story to tell of His faithfulness and patience and righteousness and rich mercies. May this day be a day of remembering just how great is our Lord. Let us pray - Abba Father, Praise and Glory to Thee we shout and with raised hands we sing of Your goodness and mercy. O Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-christ that this be a day of remembering just how merciful and mighty are You. May they sit at the feet of Jesus and listen and worship. In Jesus Name, Amen. His hand is upon you, LyndiaSue


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