Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Psalm 107:9

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is beginning to look like Spring and an itchiness to start gathering flowers and trees is definitely causing me to want to take action but I am told that planting should begin in the middle of May. So why do they have all these plants for sale and have big gatherings to buy now. I have no place to store them except in my kitchen area. And looking at them frustrates me even more. This past weekend my husband found the bird feeders hidden in a couple boxes that had been stored in the garage. Yes, we are still unpacking from our move. The weekend was pleasant and since we couldn't actually plant anything we thought at least getting the bird feeders out would be a beginning. Yesterday afternoon while I was out shopping he filled the feeders and spilled a few seeds on the patio as appetizers. I came home and saw the filled feeders and started to put the groceries away when I heard the birds screeching. It had started to rain and the look on the two birds remaining at the feeders was so hilariously funny. Yes, they seemed to be expressing their disgust that it was raining on them while they were trying to eat. I started to laugh standing at the window watching them. Today's Psalm is 107:9, "For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good." Yes, my example of the birds eating and their disgust at it raining, does remind me of just how I feel sometimes when I am enjoying something that I have looked forward to and unexpectedly it begins to rain or maybe it is some kind of interruption and I begin to whine or grumble. In the midst of my disappointment this verse brings me comfort for He (the LORD) has satisfied the thirsty soul, And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good. Let us pray - Abba Father, all Praise and Glory to You we sing today. Thank You for Your word, thank You for Your gifts of satisfying the thirsty and filling the hungry with what is good. Lord, I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that her thirsty soul will be satisfied and her hungry soul will be filled with what is good and Your Goodness is forever and ever. Lord may she drink from the living waters and be revived in strength and Joy. In Jesus Name, Amen. Being satisfied and fill with what is good,


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