Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Steps of Faith

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, This morning I find that I need a little more courage to tread the steps of Faith. In fact, crawling on my knees would be easier than taking baby steps. The blessed assurance of His promises seems to be gigantic steps of faith and if on my knees I am able to move farther along. I have the palms of my hands reaching for the next step as my knees are covering the last step I took. So opening my favorite bible, the one that is underlined and highlighted and written on and has sermon notes and sticky notes, the KJV, and turning to Joshua, Chapter 1, reading and dwelling on the whole chapter. Then continuing on to the Psalms. Chapters 17:1-8, 18:30, 20:5-6 and lastly Proverbs 3:5-12. Yes these verses, which I consider steps of Faith are exactly what I need to keep in step with the reality of my life. There are several more or even different ones that you, my dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, are drawn to in times of need and in times of want. As the struggles of life verses the peace that God gives and the hopelessness of life verses the Hope that God gives and the joys of life verses the Joy of the Lord seem to be dimmed as we walk through our days and become overwhelmed and weighed down let us join together today and come before the throne of God in prayer - Abba Father, our Creator, the Great I AM, who knows our most innermost thoughts, thank You and we Praise You with hands lifted high. Lord, I ask that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, "be Still and know that you are God" and Trust that You will never let go of her hand. May she continually rejoice in this Truth. In Jesus Name, Amen. Resting on my knees,


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