Wednesday, October 25, 2023

I Can Only Imagine

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, We have a visitor this week. My husband's older sister has been trying to imagine just where we live as this is the first time that we have not lived in the western part of the United States. She arrived late Monday night so yesterday we did a little sightseeing. Thankfully the fall colored leaves are showing off and there was harvesting of corn in the fields. Driving through the small towns close by and on the country roads lined with soybean and cornfields was a sight that we had experienced several times due to losing our sense of direction and having to drive around two or three times to get on the right road. We also took her to a state park which was close by and walked around the park and stood at the water's edge. It was at some point in the tour that I asked her if this is something like how she expected it to be? Her response was, "No not this." Recalling the previous days experience and conversation I had a thought - This is what heaven will be - Yes, I can only imagine at this point and some days my imagination runs amuck as to how beautiful and glorious it will be and other times I long for it is be so much richer and glorious than my imagination can think or even feel. And not only heaven but circumstances and situations that we are praying about and hoping for answers and results even that I can only imagine. For the LORD's thoughts and ways are HIGHER than ours in EVERY WAY and EVERYTHING. So let us gather our imaginations and come before His Throne of Grace and trust that He will do the impossible EVERY single time. Because He is a GOOD God. Abba Father, Praise thee and Lord we bring our requests before You and can only imagine how and when and why and where You will answer. Lord may each dear and precious sister-in-Christ ask and in the asking completely trust You for the answer. In Jesus Name, Amen. Asing and Trusting,


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