Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Several years back I had received some photos that I had requested from my daughter and along with the photos was a little booklet, "Dear Mom Thank You for Everything", by Bradley Trevor Greive. I opened the little booklet and she had written a little note explaining why she was sending. The note touched my heart so much and it has remained with me through my various moves and this morning it happened to catch my eye as I was seeking something to post about. It has various animal pictures with different captions under them, throughout the book the photos are so adorable and my favorite is the little lamb looking straight at me with the caption, "When you think about it, that isn't so surprising -- I will always be a part of you, because you created me". Yes, so touching to realize that our children are a part of us and more importantly for those who have longed to have a child of their own it is a reminder that we are little lambs. Each one of us was created by the Creator, the great I AM and each one of us is uniquely created in such a way that only the heavenly Father is able to teach us and to guide us and to direct us each day of our lives. We are also deeply and intimately known by Him as He longs for us to know Him even better than we know ourselves. As Thanksgiving time approaches and as many gather to enjoy family and friends may we come before His throne of Grace and begin to pray. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for everything! May each day be a day of awakening to His Goodness, and asking for His provision and seeking to know him more and more and knocking at the doors and watch them being opened in the most amazing of ways. Dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, let us shout for Joy for He has made this day and filled it with His tender mercies and abundant grace. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Thank you for Everything,


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