Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Sounds of Spring

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, It is Spring and a time to be outside listening to the sounds of Spring. As I step out of my door to begin my morning walk I hold onto the handle of the door and taking a breath I begin by taking a step outside. The quietness of the house left behind I enter into a world of such sweet music. The kind of music that only nature can and does provide. The sounds of birds fill the air with joyous melodies followed by the leaves of the trees being swayed back and forth by the gentle breeze. I walk over to the creek which is beside my house and listen to the flowing of the water over the rocks and look at the ripples that the ducks have made for I have disturbed them and they fly away. Creating another sound of rushing water and wings in flight. As I walk along the walking trails there is much to hear - a deer in the meadow, a squirrel in the trees, and canadian geese flying overhead. Yes, the sounds of nature that calm the mind and gives me a sense of hope and joy like none other. Let us pray - Abba Father, our Father, who created all these things, who cares for all of these things. I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that the sounds of Spring would flow through her senses reminding her that You created all these things and You provide for all of these things. And as she walks through her day may she remember how Great and Good and Beautiful and Faithful and Kind You Are. Lord lifting up our praises to Thee. In Jesus Name, Amen. Lifting up praises to Thee,


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