Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Value of Things

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Starting tomorrow morning I will be waiting for people to come and look at what we have for sale. It is the annual Community Garage Sale and this is my first time doing this. The last garage sale I had was in June when we were getting ready to move and knew that much of our stuff would have to not make the trip. There was a lot of stuff that we had and when it was all done I was satisfied with what had gone and what needed to come along for our next adventure. Little did we know that the house we bought was smaller and we needed to downsize more. The first time was hard because we hoped we would get a decent price (our standards) and when it went for a lot less... that is when our value was dramatically and drastically altered. At least I am going into it this time a little more prepared! Aren't you glad that we are highly favored and we are most valued by our Heavenly Father? Isn't it good news to know that when we are focused on the one who created us that we do not lose our value in His eyes. In fact, as time passes He doesn't change at ALL. So when we first opened our eyes and heart to understand His Grace given by receiving Jesus Christ, His Son, as our Lord the value was unlimited. Even when we try to discard or store in a box or decide not to dwell upon our very existence being in Him, he is there to remind you of just how valued you are. There is a saying, "one man's trash is another man's treasure", so taking it one step farther, "God's Grace Extended is our treasure." Let us pray - Abba Father, we come before Your throne of Grace and with hands lifted high - worship You for Who You are and for Your Love towards us. We then bow down before thee and injubilent hearts praise You for creating us and molding us and directing us and guiding us each day. May each dear and precious sister-in-Christ look to You and see how valued she is. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessings upon all of you,

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

God Knows...

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, On my morning walk the other day thoughts were rambling through my mind about various things and this thought stuck, "God Knows..." and I started to list in my head some of the things He knows like the number of hairs on my head and the number of my days and my thoughts and so on. In thinking about this post this came to mind again so here we are this Wednesday with another day given to be together. Our God knows EVERYTHING! This is a must for me because my day begins and ends with Him knowing everything and for me how reassuring that He never forsakes nor never fails. As we go through our day may we be mindful of who is in control, who reigns supreme and who will and does take care of us in the most intimate of ways. He directs our steps, He guides us, He provides for us, He lovingly invites us, He sups with us, He inclines His ear to us, He protects us, He..., I could go on and on and on and I know that you can also. So for today let us dwell upon the fact that "God Knows..." and come before His throne of Grace and pray - Abba Father, the God who knows and thank You that You bless us with these precious words, "Be Still and Know that I AM God." (Psalm 46:10). Lord praise to Thee for EVERYTHING! Lord, I ask that each dear and precious sister-in-Christ be mindful of today and all that You know about her and be joyful and hopeful and filled with Your peace as she walks into her day. In Jesus Name, Amen. Blessed Assurance in Him,

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Why Complicate Things

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Life has a way of complicating things going on if you allow the circumstance or situation or thought to cross-over the line. My introduction to how my life has been lately. In this move across the country we encountered so many new things to consider - the major is ALL the people! I'm so glad the Lord placed us in a quaint little town that has a population count of 1,470. Yes, there are surrounding communities within 8-10 miles that have more services but this quaint - definition: picturesque, charming - is the perfect way to describe it. Before we found this house located in this area we stayed with our son for a month in a much larger city that was bustling and always something going on. Now don't get me wrong about my thoughts on a bigger city but it was a BIG change and now the new things of this new season of my life are pleasant. My life is filled with pleasantness - definition: enjoyable, friendly - the neighbors, the neighborhoods, the park, the local store, the coffee shop, the library, the schools, and even the trains that routinely run through the town have a certain aspect that emulates pleasantness. Sometimes a situation arises and in order to complete the task at hand I come up with plan A or plan B scenarios which complicates things. So this morning I am asking "why complicate things" when the Lord has planned and purposed your life and where He has planted you or even the path He has chosen for you is pleasant. A couple of weeks ago, during my quiet time with the Lord, He showed me the path and that path consisted of walking stones, I called them Faith stones for when I am walking on the path of life I need direction and guidance and when I step out in faith the stone lights up to reveal scripture and builds me up to keep going. My faith steps thus far are: Romans 8:28, 1 Corinthians 10:13, James 4:10, and Isaiah 64:4. I am certain that God has also given you faith stones (steps) that He lights up (inspires and quickens and encourages) when You walk with Him. So why complicate things when His Timing and Will are so perfect and tailored just for you. Let us pray - Abba Father, ALL praise and honor to Thee, how great is Your Glory and Goodness. Thank You for creating us, for gifting us, for directing our way, and for saving us for ALL eternity. Father I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ that as she steps out in faith that the enemies fiery darts will fall so short and that this dear and precious sister-in-Christ would be buffeted from complicated things and see the pleasantness of her life. In Jesus Name, Amen. Enjoying the pleasant things,

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

September Journey - Morning Sky

Greetings dear and precious sisters-in-Christ, Once again I am on my September journey with drawing closer to the Lord and He didn't disappoint this morning. Waking up to a new day, opening the back door, stepping out onto the back patio and looking up at the morning sky. Immediately went back in to capture the moment and sharing with you today. Genesis says the moon is the lesser light and in Exodus 13:21, "And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way,...". The morning sky is a testimony to the goodness and faithfulness of God. Yes, this is who our God is a provider of light in the darkness for He is Light and a provider of protection leading us. The past week or so I have been waking up in the early morning and and it is warm enough that I step outside and look up into the night sky. The moon lightens my walking around and the brilliance of the stars is so mesmerizing. Sometimes the sound of the train whistle rings out and the clanging of the rails as it travels to its next stop. This September journey is like none other and as I live out each day I know that He will draw me closer to Him for I am seeking Him and He assures me that He will be found. Let us pray - Father, Creator of ALL things, we come before You this morning and offer our worship. The simple things of life - the moon, the clouds, the stars, are a testimony to You. Lord I pray for each dear and precious sister-in-Christ, that as she wakes up to a new day that she would witness Your brilliance, Your Light, Your tender mercies and Your promises which You keep. In Jesus Name, Amen. Lead me O Lord,